(Female) Reproduction System


  • Function

    • penetration and copulation: accommodate the penis

    • fertilization: goal of sex

    • reproduction

    • to prepare the woman’s body to have sex

  • Steps

    • Fallopian tubes starts off with lubrication in the vagina.

    • Fallopian tubes – tube that connects ovary to uterus

    • Wall of vagina secretes liquid that helps lubrication during sex.

    • Place that close the vagina cervix (the wall in the vagina) the place to separate vagina and uterus (place for baby).

    • Oogenesis (การเจริญเติบโตของไข่) happen in ovaries.

    • Sperm released in the vagina or uterus, sperm swims up to the uterine wall and fertilizes the egg in the uterine wall. The fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where it implants to the uterine wall.

    • Menstruation (period): egg ready in uterus but the sperm doesn’t come, so the female body detaches the old egg and blood comes out (usually brown because it’s old). 2 weeks after the periods is the time where the woman increases in sexual activity, more blood comes to the uterus for the new egg. 2 weeks after the period, ovulation(ตกไข่) occurs, then there’s a weeks after the ovulation where the egg is ready.

    • Hymen: Small skin in the vagina that will be broken when have sex, will bleed.

female reproductive system

(Male) Reproductive System


  • Reproductive system gets affected by the brain and not physically.
  • fertilization; making a babe (sperm and egg meet)
  • orgasm – stimulate (excite neurons); turn on
  • ejaculation (when the sperm comes out)
  • flaccid penis (soft; not hard)
  • erect / erection – to put something up; it’s going to be larger, harder.




  • Penetration
    • to enter or to push its way (the way penis penetrates into the vagina)
    • cause the penis to be erect
    • it’ll get larger and harder. It get bigger because blood flow to the penis, and the capillaries bed stop the blood from coming back out.
    • functional sex (sex that cause pregnancy)
    • Cords of the erectile tissue is being engorged (swollen).


  • Copulation
    • sex
    • the penis is moving up and down penis inside the vagina
    • rubbing the nerves (penis has the most neurons in the body and it’s the most sensitive)


  • Ejaculation
    • sperm goes to the egg.
    • stimulate is the first part of getting ejaculation (brain: neocortex control)
    • sperm was make in Seminiferous tubules, sperm goes to epididymus to grow mature (grow tails).


  • The woman’s body is made to kill sperms because it’s evolved to test the sperm to make it faster/stronger. Only one sperm can get to the egg, because it’s a test to get the strongest sperm.
  • The bulbourethral gland and other glands are there to add semen and liquid, so the sperms can swim that provides them with glucose, minerals, etc. Without the semen, the acid would kill the sperms. 


Immune System


  • protection of the body from pathogen (things that cause disease such as bacteria, virus, fungi, dirt)

  • mast cell : let body know that there is a problem (calling a police)

  • antigen: a protein that show a different structure than we will normally see in the body and the body know it’s foreign

  • Blood type O has no glycoprotein so it can be given to any other blood type since the Neutrophils and Esonophils won’t identify them as foreigner.

  • Anti body : a glycoprotein that fit an antigen.

Part of the Immune System

What doest it do

How does it do

Mast cell

Attracts the other parts of the immune system.

When mast cell get damage, it release Histamine (a protein) which will cause the capillaries to open some gaps. The blood and white blood cells will leak out from the capillaries to the pathogen. (causing swelling)

Histamine – a compound that is release by a cells in respond to injury and in allergic and inflammatory reaction.


Phagocyte (cellular eating) foreign things in the body, digest the foreigners.

Eating pathogen.



Same as Eosonophil



When the Macrophage digest the foreign body (eat the pathogen), some of the antigen are put in to the cell membrane to show the B cell and T cell. (to recognize)

Eat by Phagocytosis

Helper T-Cell

They figure out which anti-body to use work against the antigen.

It produces a lot of antibody with different shapes and tries to fit one of them with the antigen shown by macrophage.

Antigen binds the antibody (signal transduction), it send the message to nucleus to tell the T cell and B Cell which anti-body they should make.

Killer T-Cell

Killing cells using enzyme

Use the information from the helper T cell to kill the antigen.

By forming an antibody antigen complex.


Produce many antibody to binds the antigen and mobilizes them so macrophage can eat them.

It makes millions of antibody into the blood to attack antigen.

Memory B cell

Memory T cell

B cell are short term

(it will remember the antigen that has come in, so if next time it comes in again, it can quickly recognize and built the antibody to kill it. )

T cell are long term (around 20 yrs)


A chemical that use to attack old enemy. (human hapalono virus)


  • autoimmune : immune system attack you, it identify part of you as part of the bacteria or virus, so it attack. (e,g, when we are allergic to dust, the body is destroying the wrong thing)

  • HIV : infect the helper T cell (so killer T-Cell and B-Cell don’t know what antigen is it), therefore our body cant fight the virus.

  • Aid : it’s when the HIV come out and destroys all the white blood cells.

  • Lysogenic : HIV positive

  • Lytic : aid

Digestive System


  1. Mouth: break sown the food into digestive size, taste the food.

  2. Salivary Gland: create saliva, so the food can go down the esophagus smoothly.

  3. Pharynx: swallowing, passage for the food and air. There are 3 types :

    1. Nasopharynx: allow movement of air from nose to mouth.

    2. Oropharynx: passage for food, air, and water.

    3. Laryngopharynx: connect to esophagus.

  4. Esophagus: create passage way for food to travel from pharynx to stomach, the food pass through the process of peristalsis .

  5. Stomach: release acid and enzymes to break down the food. By using the pepsin to breakdown the protein into peptide.

  6. Pancreas: it’s a glandular organ in the digestive system. It produce many important hormones such as insulin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide. It create pancreatic juice which contain digestive enzyme that help with the digestion in small intestines. This enzyme also help break down carbohydrate, protein, and lipid in the chyme.

  7. Liver: process nutrients from food. Make bile, build protein, receive and produce glucose, it stores glycogen which use for energy.

  8. Gallbladder: small organ that store bile and release it to the duodenum.

  9. Duodenum: receive particular digested food from the stomach and begin absorption of nutrients. The food was mix with the bile from the gallbladder and pancreatic juice from the pancreas in the duodenum.

  10. Small Intestines: absorb nutrient, chemical and mechanical digestion. The villi is the finger projection that protrude the intestine wall . It makes more surface area so can absorb more food.

  11. Large Intestines: absorb water, form feces.

  12. Rectum: store the feces. Then the muscle of the rectum wall push it out of the anus.

  13. Anus: responsible for the expulsion of feces. The flow of feces is control by the anus sphincter muscle.