10 CRAZY JOBS that will exist in the FUTURE



  • Due to the development of the technologies nowadays, many machines and robots have been created to replace human jobs. The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan (CST) are working toward in creating new jobs that will be available in the year 2030. 10 possible jobs that will be exist in the future are
  • Nostalgist: a interior designer who will be helping their clients recreate their favourite and happy memories.
  • Telesurgeon (remote surgery): surgeries on the patents by using robotic arms, a rewildermaster controller and a sensory system that provides feedback to its user.
  • Rewilder: it’s a job which will help in create a new environment by replacing those damage that humans caused with forests and green plants. 
  • Garbage Designer: creating new, and better quality items by up cycling the trash and garbages.
  • Simplicity Expert: a person who will be helping business streamline and simplify their working process such as reducing 3 days of work into half an hour of work. 
  • Healthcare Navigator: a person who will helping the patients to understand the complex hospital system. They will be answering the patients questiotime-to-diens and provide support for the patient’s family to cope with the stress of illness.
  • End of Life Therapist: a person who will be planing for the years before customer’s death.  
  • Gamification Designer: a person creating game that relate to real life experiences by combine game logic with daily activities, events, etc. And also try to create games that will help people release stress.
  • Robot Counsellor: work as the servant or caregiver in the family.
  • Media Remixer: having the same job as DJ or VJ. The remixer will creating new projects by putting in the audio, video, and images.

Major Concepts

  • Since many robots are taking over human’s jobs, in order to prevent people from jobless, these 10 crazy jobs could be a choice for them.
  • The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan is working with foresight strategists to come up with new jobs for our the future generations.
  • The article talk about the 10 crazy jobs that will be exist in the future, including the back group bachelor needed for each of them.

Potential Strengths / Advantages

  • It’s important for people to know about these jobs, so they cab prepare themselves for these future jobs.
  • These jobs will prevent the future generations from being jobless.

Potential Problems / Limitations / Disadvantages

  • People whose families can’t afford them to learn and graduate with high degrees might not be able to get these jobs.
  • People who are not interest and good at the subjects mentioned in the article will be having hard time finding getting jobs.
  • It would be even better if the CST could come up with more fun and interest jobs, so that people could have more choice to choose.

Discussion Questions

  • Is it possible for CTS to come up with more jobs that is available everyone, including those people who are unable to graduate high degree?


  • Vitto, Laura. “10 Crazy Jobs That Will Exist in the Future.” Mashable. N.p., 28 Apr. 2014. Web. 08 May 2014.

Google Glass & Second Machine Age



  • Google Glass was been used in the airport to access to the the ggpassengers’ information without have to use hand-held notes. The information include the passenger’s name, registration, destination, fly number, etc. It also capable of recording videos and pictures. However, developing google glasses that able for facial recognition goes against Google’s terms and conditions, because it’s invading the customer’s privacy.
  • The development of technology nowadays had create machines which are slowly took over the human muscle as well as putting people out of work. For example, the invention of robot workers have use to replace the workers in the factory. Therefore, many workers have been losing job because the companies no longer need so much worker since the machines are capable of doing the same work like human. 
Major Concepts

  • robotThe Google Glass help people to have a more comfortable and easier lives. Especially for those people whose jobs need to contact and know about customer’s information. They can use the Google Glass to help them get the customers’ information faster and easier. 
  • Although Google Glass help people to have an easier life, there are still many people who disagree with it. Some places such as the 500 clubs even banned it, because it might invades customer’s
  • Machines and Robots are capable of doing many jobs like human which causing people to lose their jobs. For example Google car (self-driving car), milking cows machine, etc. 
Potential Strengths / Advantages

  • Robots could be more efficient and more accurate in working than human. It could work for 24 hrs without stoping, while human can’t be able to do that. 
  • Robot cost lesser expense compare to hiring a real workers. This would be benefit the companies because they get to pay less and receive a higher quality products.  
Potential Problems / Limitations / Disadvantages

  • Losing Jobs will become a major issue, because due tho the high-tech of the unemploy-clipartmachine, it will be taking over human’s jobs. 
  • People will be depend of the machine too much and won’t be able to do anything by themselves. 
Discussion Questions
  • Since the technologies are getting farther and farther development, will the robots/machines control over people in the future?
  • What would happen to those jobless people? How would they going to earn money from since the robots/machines are taking over their jobs.  


  • BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
  • “Will Robots Put Us All out of Work?” BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.

Heartbleed Bug

How did it happened?
  • Heartbleed bug is a buffer underflow-attack in OpenSSL. This version of OpenSSL view data as 64K, it reread the data over and over again, and keep sending the user 64K of what it’s thinking. This is very dangerous because in 64K of data, it might include the personal and private data of the user  inside.
Who got the effected?
  • Smartphone and tablets running version 4.1.1 of Android were in danger and couldn’t defend to these attacks. However, Microsoft’s and Apple’s system are still safe from these attacks. Beside this, some popular website such as Yahoo, Facebook, and Google are also affected by this attack.
What was the damage?
  • The hackers are able to steal the information from the remote server memory, not only that, they were allow to have many chances in keep trying to retrieve the information. Therefore, people who still kept their personal information such as username, passwords, credit card numbers, etc. in the memory when the hackers begin yo attack, are likely to have a high chance of being attacked.
How to prevent it or recover from it?
  • Do not log into accounts from afflicted sites until you’re sure that the company has heartbleed-lockpatched the program.
  • Change passwords of sensitive accounts (such as banks, emails) once you have got confirmation of a security patch.
  • Be aware and always check the bank account. This is very important because there is high chance that the attackers would be access to user’s credit card information. Therefore, if you don’t want to lose your money in your bank account, then you need to be careful and constantly checking it.
What did you learn from it?
  • By knowing the Heartbleed Bug, it helps us to be more careful and be aware from the 
    attackers. It also remind us to check t=our important account co
    nstantly, and also change the password of sensitive accounts suchas bank account or email.It’s always better to prevent and keep ourselves safe than wait till the attackers to attack and have to regret later.


  • ANDRADE, JOSE. “​What Is Heartbleed, Anyway?” Engadget. Engadget, 12 Apr. 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
  • – Lyne, James. “How Heartbleed Happened, The NSA And Proof Heartbleed Can Do Real Damage.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 14 Apr. 2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
  •  Wagenseil, Paul. “Heartbleed: Who Was Affected, What to Do Now.” Tom’s Guide. TechMedia Network, 9 Apr. 2014. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.
  • Nieva, Richard. “How to Protect Yourself from the ‘Heartbleed’ Bug – CNET.”CNET. Cnet, 08 Apr. 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

3D Printer – Stratasys Objet500 Connex3


  • 3D-printing company Strtasys had reveal 3D printer – Objet500 Connex3 in January. The printer has three nozzles which allow it to print in three materials at the same time. Michaella Janse van Vuuren, a South African artist, designer, and engineer, has created a fashion accessories in which she calls the Garden of Eden by using the Objet500 Connex3. It allows the user to create something really close to the end product, and also has the ability to combine rigid and flexible materials together in one piece. For example shoes that has the snake forming as the heel by using rigid material, belt using multihued rubber material, and fish bracelets made from both rigid and flexible materials. 
  • Major Concept:
    • 3D printer allows for multiple colours and materials together in a single print Screen Shot 2557-03-24 at 10.34.12 PMsession.
    • The outcome of the objects is really close to an end product.
    • 3D printer has the ability to combine rigid and flexible materials in one piece. 
    • This 3D printer not only replace the traditional methods of fashion manufacturing, but also allow the user to manufacturing in a completely new way. It include different material in a single piece. 
  • Potential Strength:
    • This article makes us know the properties and functions of the 3D printer.
    • We realize that the 3D printer is getting popular due to its amazing uses. 
  • Potential Problems:
    • It’s hard to get those kind of printer, and the price might be too high for people to get it since it’s very high-tech.
    • The object that print out might not be in high quality since there is no people guarantee about it. 
  • Discussion Questions
    • How long can the object printed out stay? is it has the same quality as the real object?
  • Citation:
    • Starr, Michelle. “3D-printed Corset Wraps Model in Revisionist Eden.” CNET. N.p., 18 Mar. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

Using Code.org create Flappy Bird


  • The game Flappy Bird is now no more in the app stores. However, Code.org has f1decide to create a tool for people to make their own Flappy Bird game, and at the same time learn some codes. The lesson is create by goes through the actual game mechanics of Flappy Bird step-by-step. At each step alone the way, the users need to think and find out the way to let the game work the way it’s supposed to be. By create your own game, you can design and adjust every aspect of the game such as make the bird sound like a jet engine, crunch, or laser every time it flaps. This game idea was actually born during an employee happy hour when the group realize that it would be good to turn a game into code lesson. 
Major Concept 
  • Code.org is creating a tool for people to make their own Flappy Bird game, and also learn writing code at the same time. 
  • By creating the game, users need to goes through step by steps, and future out how to make the game work the way it’s suppose to be. 
  • This idea of making a game being using Code.org is also being use in Angry Bird, Frogger, and PopCap’s Plants vs. Zombies as well. 
Potential Strengths
  • The article make us realize that we can actually create our own game. 
  • This also helping us learning how to write code at the same time. 
  • We can design our own game anyway we want.  
Potential Problems
  • People need to learn how to write code before they could succeed in create their own game, some people might feel like it’s too hard and might give up easily. 
Discussion Questions
  • Can the game we created be post public and let everyone play?
  • Is there any other easier ways to create a game?
  • Lowensohn, Josh. “Code.org Turning the Ashes of ‘Flappy Bird’ into a Phoenix of Coding Education.” The Verge. N.p., 26 Feb. 2014. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.


Child (Teenager) Mom (Middle Adulthood) Grandma (Late Adulthood)
– Now, I am really confuse about which one is the real me. The way I behave in front of my parents is so different when I am with my friends. Another thing is I don’t really know what I like or dislike. The school is asking the students to choose their favourite sport club, but I am having hard time decide which sport should I join in.

– Another problem is about my friends. I feel like they can’t accept me for who I am. We are different in personality, thought, and tastes. Now, I searching for a new group of friend who can accept me, and have similar personality as me.

– I feel like am getting too fat, and I am starting to diet and keep my body in shape. Even though I eat so less but I still find myself looking fat every time I looking in the mirror. My parents and friends said that I am too skinny and told me to eat more. However, I still think that I am too fat.

– I am not sure if the job I working now is right for me. I don’t really enjoy working it anymore, I think I am going to choose a new job that is more interest and suitable for me. So I could enjoy and have fun working on it.

– These days, I feel like I am easily getting tired. I cannot carry heavy things like I use to did before. And yesterday, when I was playing badminton with my friend’s child, I could’t believe that I lose the child. This make me realize that I am no longer young. I am getting older and older, and lose my strength. I think I need start taking care of myself more, try to eat healthy food, and exercise. So I could maintain my strength throughout my mildly adulthood.

– Now, I am feeling a bit sad because my children are all having their own families, and they have left home to establish their own lives. It’s so lonely when the house suddenly become so empty and quite. They are busy with their lives, and works, and didn’t come visit me so often. Although they did call me and talk to me in phone, but it still feel lonely and depress sometime. I am just still not use to it.

– Another problem is my menopause. This makes me feel discomfort sometime. I also easily have mood swings. I often feel happy for a while, then suddenly become sad. Sometime I also suddenly feeling hot even though the air-condition is on. I just start to sweat and get tired. I had went to the doctor, and the doctor said it’s due to the hormonal change in the body.

– I am getting older and older now. I can’t walk fast like how I did before. I am getting slower in doing everything. I also feel like my senses are getting worse now. I cannot really see text clearly like before. And also cannot really hear what other people are talking. My bones are also getting weaker, so I have to be careful in doing everything. Sometime, I feel like I cannot remember things well too. And so I am worry about getting Dementia / Alzheimer. Therefore, try to take good care of myself.

– I am also facing with retirement. At first, I was quite enjoy because i can just relax and no need to worry about work anymore. But right now, I start to feel bored and don’t know what to with these free time. I am looking for some activities to do during these free times so I won’t get too bored. And eventually I had found one, I spend my time sew clothes which is quite fun. Sometime, I also call my friend to come to my house, and sew the clothes together.

Vocabulary “Identifying People and Ideas” pg. 294

  • patriarchy: it’s when men play a dominant role in marriage and society.
  • generativity: it’s when adults (middle-aged) able to create, originate, and produce.
  • midlife crisis: it’s a negative time when people (middle adulthood) sad with the way their life has turned out; they might start to feel like the limitations or dreams that they previously had may not come true.
  • emptynest syndrome: it’s the feeling of emptiness and loss that the parents feel when their children leave home to establish their own lives.
  • menopause: it’s when women stop menstruation and can no longer have children, usually begin around the age of late 40s – early 50s.
  • cellular damage theories: it’s the theories suggest that the cells can no longer work properly and not heredity. This might cause from the internal body damage or external such as trauma or toxins.
  • senile dementia: it’s the loss of cognitive functioning. people might loss their memory, have problem with speaking, and unable to perform simple tasks.
  • alzheimer’s disease: it’s a progressive form of metal deterioration which affect memory, language, and problem solving.
  • hospice: it’s a homelike place where dying people and their families are given the physical and emotional support to help them cope with terminal illness.
  • living will: legal documents in which the singer requests to be allowed to die rather than being kept alive by artificial means if disabled beyond a reasonable expectation of recovery.

Late Adulthood

Late adulthood 
  • late adulthood is used to describe people who are 65 and over.
why do we get old?
  • Programmed theories feel us that we have biological clocks that move forward at a predetermined pace. Studies show that people whose parents lived long lives are more likely to have long lives themselves. This suggest that genetics play a significant role in the length of one’s life.
  • Cellular damage theories suggest that cells malfunctions as a result of damage and not heredity. The damage may come from internal body changes or from external causes, such as trauma or toxins.
  • An example of someone who has taken very good care of their physical body: a100 year old runner.
Cognitive changes
  • Dementia is a serious loss of cognitive functioning. There are great losses in memory, there may be speech problems, and people may unable to perform simple tasks. They may also have difficulty concentrating or making plan.
Social changes
  • Retirement: many people dream of this time when they no longer need to go to work. Others are worried about what they will do with free time. In most cases, retirement is voluntary.
  • many turn there attention to leisure activities.
Nursing Homes
  • in American and Canada, the elderly are sometimes placed in nursing homes once they are 80+ years old. These are facilities where they are taken care of by staff: meals are cooked for them, their beds are cleaned, they are helped with daily living tasks, they are given medications by nurses and visited by doctors there.
Stage of dying
  • 1. Denial: the dying person might think “it can’t be me. the doctor;s diagnosis must be wrong!”
  • 2. Anger: people might  think “ they is unfair! Why me?”
  • 3. Bargaining: people might think “ I’ll be a better person if I can just love longer!”
  • 4. Depression: they person may be come very sad.
  • 5. Acceptance: the person concluders that they have had a good life and they are ready to die.

Young Adulthood

Young adulthood

  • 20 -40 years old
  • during their 2-s and 30s, people are at the height of they recognitive powers. People are faster, stronger, better coordinated and have more endurance than they have ever had or will ever have again.
Intimate relationship
  • defined as a trusting, close friendship with another person in which one can be honest without fear or rejection.
  • 20s-30s, people find themselves a mate  to settle down with.
  • This task is easier once one has developed a firm sense of identity
  • A Patriarchy is when men play a dominant role in marriage as wells as in the larger society. In recent times, the patriarchy is become less prominent as women gain equal status in many domains.
History of Marriage 
  • today, many people marry out of love.
  • in the past, marriages in the West were arranged by the parents of the bride and groom, generally on the basis of how the marriage would benefit the two families.
  • Benefits included the transfer of wealth from family to family and through generations, and provide stable home for children.
Choosing a mate
  • people are influenced by ethnicity, level of education, social class, religion, and age.
  • People generally marry people who are similar to themselves.
Most see marriage as permanent
  • In a poll in the United States in the year 2000, 86% of the respondents said that they would expect to stay married of for the rest of their lives if they got married.
Reason for divorce
  • in the past, women were more dependent on their husband for income and security
  • no women become more equal rot men in all aspects, they feel the freedom to divorce as they can provide money for themselves.
  • people have high expectations of each other (ex. husband may expect his wife to never go out with her friends once married, the woman may expect her husband to help out more with household chores)
  • relationship required work and commitment, and some have just lost the desire to try.
  • abuse, cheating, illness or financial strains, or an inability to communicate effectively.
Children of divorce parents
  • this children are more likely to have behavioural problem, engage in substance abuse, and earn lower grade in school.
  • BUT, most children overcome the period of stress that follows a divorce and improve.
  • Studies show that it is better for a child to be in a single-parent family than to be in a home where parents are fighting.

Middle Adulthood

middle adulthood

  • is from 40-65 years old
  • by 40, most people have begun to lose some of the strength, coordination, and stamina they had easier in life.
  • people who take care of themselves can maintain excellent health and strength throughout middle adulthood.
  • reassessment of life sometimes comes around 30 years old. At this time, people think about decisions they have made in an effort to determine whether their chosen courses is really the one that is right for them. People ask themselves question like “why am I ding this?” and “where is my life going”
  • this can bring about major life changes.
Midlife transition
  • Midlife transition is a period in middle adulthood when people’s perspectives change in a major way.
  • Around 40, people of through generational shift: this can be brought on by a death of someone they know, a serous illness, a change at work, or losing at basketball against their child – at this time, they realize they are no longer young.
  • Midlife crisis: some become dissatisfied with the way their life has turned out, or start to realize their limitations or that dreams they previously had may not come true. This is seen as a negative time.
  • However, some people may instead experience positively, and consider it an age of mastery. With a positive attitude, people can see their lives as accomplished.
  • Empty-nest syndrome: this is a term applied to feelings of emptiness and loss mothers and fathers sometimes feel after the children have left home to establish their own lives.
  • Menopause is a term used to describe what women go through in their late 40s or early 50s – they stop menstruation and can no longer have children.
  • Women may feel discomfort. feel hot suddenly, sweat, feel tired and have mood swings (happy one minute, sad the next). This is all due to hormonal changes in the body.