10 CRAZY JOBS that will exist in the FUTURE



  • Due to the development of the technologies nowadays, many machines and robots have been created to replace human jobs. The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan (CST) are working toward in creating new jobs that will be available in the year 2030. 10 possible jobs that will be exist in the future are
  • Nostalgist: a interior designer who will be helping their clients recreate their favourite and happy memories.
  • Telesurgeon (remote surgery): surgeries on the patents by using robotic arms, a rewildermaster controller and a sensory system that provides feedback to its user.
  • Rewilder: it’s a job which will help in create a new environment by replacing those damage that humans caused with forests and green plants. 
  • Garbage Designer: creating new, and better quality items by up cycling the trash and garbages.
  • Simplicity Expert: a person who will be helping business streamline and simplify their working process such as reducing 3 days of work into half an hour of work. 
  • Healthcare Navigator: a person who will helping the patients to understand the complex hospital system. They will be answering the patients questiotime-to-diens and provide support for the patient’s family to cope with the stress of illness.
  • End of Life Therapist: a person who will be planing for the years before customer’s death.  
  • Gamification Designer: a person creating game that relate to real life experiences by combine game logic with daily activities, events, etc. And also try to create games that will help people release stress.
  • Robot Counsellor: work as the servant or caregiver in the family.
  • Media Remixer: having the same job as DJ or VJ. The remixer will creating new projects by putting in the audio, video, and images.

Major Concepts

  • Since many robots are taking over human’s jobs, in order to prevent people from jobless, these 10 crazy jobs could be a choice for them.
  • The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan is working with foresight strategists to come up with new jobs for our the future generations.
  • The article talk about the 10 crazy jobs that will be exist in the future, including the back group bachelor needed for each of them.

Potential Strengths / Advantages

  • It’s important for people to know about these jobs, so they cab prepare themselves for these future jobs.
  • These jobs will prevent the future generations from being jobless.

Potential Problems / Limitations / Disadvantages

  • People whose families can’t afford them to learn and graduate with high degrees might not be able to get these jobs.
  • People who are not interest and good at the subjects mentioned in the article will be having hard time finding getting jobs.
  • It would be even better if the CST could come up with more fun and interest jobs, so that people could have more choice to choose.

Discussion Questions

  • Is it possible for CTS to come up with more jobs that is available everyone, including those people who are unable to graduate high degree?


  • Vitto, Laura. “10 Crazy Jobs That Will Exist in the Future.” Mashable. N.p., 28 Apr. 2014. Web. 08 May 2014.

Google Glass & Second Machine Age



  • Google Glass was been used in the airport to access to the the ggpassengers’ information without have to use hand-held notes. The information include the passenger’s name, registration, destination, fly number, etc. It also capable of recording videos and pictures. However, developing google glasses that able for facial recognition goes against Google’s terms and conditions, because it’s invading the customer’s privacy.
  • The development of technology nowadays had create machines which are slowly took over the human muscle as well as putting people out of work. For example, the invention of robot workers have use to replace the workers in the factory. Therefore, many workers have been losing job because the companies no longer need so much worker since the machines are capable of doing the same work like human. 
Major Concepts

  • robotThe Google Glass help people to have a more comfortable and easier lives. Especially for those people whose jobs need to contact and know about customer’s information. They can use the Google Glass to help them get the customers’ information faster and easier. 
  • Although Google Glass help people to have an easier life, there are still many people who disagree with it. Some places such as the 500 clubs even banned it, because it might invades customer’s
  • Machines and Robots are capable of doing many jobs like human which causing people to lose their jobs. For example Google car (self-driving car), milking cows machine, etc. 
Potential Strengths / Advantages

  • Robots could be more efficient and more accurate in working than human. It could work for 24 hrs without stoping, while human can’t be able to do that. 
  • Robot cost lesser expense compare to hiring a real workers. This would be benefit the companies because they get to pay less and receive a higher quality products.  
Potential Problems / Limitations / Disadvantages

  • Losing Jobs will become a major issue, because due tho the high-tech of the unemploy-clipartmachine, it will be taking over human’s jobs. 
  • People will be depend of the machine too much and won’t be able to do anything by themselves. 
Discussion Questions
  • Since the technologies are getting farther and farther development, will the robots/machines control over people in the future?
  • What would happen to those jobless people? How would they going to earn money from since the robots/machines are taking over their jobs.  


  • BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
  • “Will Robots Put Us All out of Work?” BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.