Reflection on Chapter 0

Even though, I came from AP Cal class, but I still feel like there are many areas that I should improve and practice more. Most people might think that since I already took AP Cal, then this class would be very easy for me. But to be honest, I feel like my basic math such as Algebra and Geometry are not that strong. For example, rational and irrational number, percentage, convert decimal to fraction, and simultaneous linear equations. One of the most challenging part of this chapter is to covert decimal into fraction, specially recurring decimal. I had never know how to convert recurring decimal into fraction before, therefore this is consider as my new knowledge. Although these are things I suppose to know, but I forgot most of them already. Therefore I think this class will help me to improve my basic math knowledge. I did help my classmates sometime, and they also help me back as well. It’s actually fun when we discuss the questions together, we can get to know different ways in solving the problems, sometime our classmates might have a easier way so we share our knowledge. Therefore working together can help us in learning and get new knowledge as well.